Commercial Real Estate Problems Are Often Ongoing
Ongoing Issues with Commercial Real Estate Transactions
A common misconception with regard to real estate transactions of all descriptions is that once the purchase and sale process is complete and the closing has occurred, all outstanding issues have disappeared and legal advice is no longer required. However, the fact is that there is a nearly endless list of problems that may arise long after a deal is done, making the assistance of a Fort Lauderdale commercial real estate attorney truly indispensable.
Key Examples of Ongoing Concerns
Changes in local zoning and land use law can have a significant impact on the ways in which the owner of commercial real estate can utilize his or her land, and this is true even for owners who have held their property for a great length of time. A governmental agency may employ the power of eminent domain to negate ownership rights, tenants may litigate to block a desired sale or neighbors may seek the aid of the courts in enjoining certain types of uses in which a property owner may wish to engage.
Contractual terms included in purchase and sale documents, even those dating back decades, can affect the manner in which an present-day owner can use his or her property. Disputes regarding title to a particular parcel can also introduce significant complications, making the aid of an experienced real estate lawyer critical to achieving favorable resolutions.
An owner of commercial real estate in Florida may wish to embark on a substantial expansion or transformation of an exiting piece of property in order to increase its profitability or functional value. In such circumstances, it becomes critical to achieve full compliance will all prevailing construction codes, regulatory restrictions and local rules. To do so, it is often essential to secure the counsel of a seasoned real estate attorney who can advise property owners and their contractors on how to reach their goals the right way and steer clear of costly litigation and ongoing disputes.
Long-Term Navigation of Real Estate Pitfalls
Knowing how crucial savvy real estate legal guidance can be to the success or failure of countless business enterprises throughout Florida, Fort Lauderdale commercial real estate attorney Leah Mayersohn stands ready to help. No matter if you are simply contemplating a purchase or sale, or if you have encountered issues with your property well after closing, skilled assistance is readily available. Contact Mark to discuss your specific situation, whether it involves a complex commercial deal or a personal residential transaction.