How Can I Find the Zoning or Land Use of a Property?
Zoning is the division of real estate into various districts that are regulated in regard to lot size, permitted uses and other requirements. Zoning requirements are set by cities in Florida to ensure that communities grow in a predictable way and to protect the safety and welfare of the public and specify the ways in which commercial, residential and industrial activities can take place.
A South Florida zoning attorney can give you detailed information on what the zoning restrictions are for a particular commercial property that you are interested in purchasing or leasing, and can help you determine whether or not your property of interest will be suitable for your goals.
Be sure to get zoning information before you start to finalize any deal
No matter what the intended purpose is for your property, it is crucial to get information on zoning or land use before you enter into any agreement. You need to know whether or not you will be able to conduct your business or use the property in the way that you want.
For example, if you are starting a restaurant or a coffee shop, you need to narrow down your choices only to areas that have been zoned for commercial use. As simple as this may sound, many people rent or purchase buildings that are not properly zoned for their intended business. As a result, it’s never a good idea to rush into any commercial or industrial real estate deal without doing the proper research and getting advice.
You can contact your county’s zoning authority to get information
You or your attorney can contact your county’s zoning authority to get information about land use and zoning restrictions for the properties that you are interested in buying or leasing. Broward County provides a zoning map as a public service, as one example, and you can contact the zoning official by phone to get more information or to ask questions.
Your attorney can assist you and answer your questions
Getting professional advice is always a good idea when you plan on making a commercial real estate purchase, and a South Florida zoning attorney can help you determine which properties in your area are most suitable for you.
Trying to figure out zoning by yourself can be a mistake as there are several complicated situations that can arise, and zoning laws often change and are not set in stone. To learn more about zoning laws and land use classification in Florida, contact Leah Mayersohn at Schecter Law today (954) 779-7009.